
How to give user access to view reporting

For Owners

1. Navigate to the reports page and select the User view

2. Select the User Search filter and enter the user you wish to give access to.

3. Select any video from the Videos Report. A page with user details will show.

4. Select the icon to Assign Report View for the user. The icon will change colors indicating it is active. To remove access to the reports for a user, simply select the icon again (the icon will return to its original state.

User does not have access to view reports
User does have access to view reports

For Other Employees

Employees who have already been assigned access to view reports by the owner can follow the same instructions above to assign other individuals access to view reports.

All individuals with access to view reports have the same permissions to the following actions: Change Salon Numbers, Delete, Block Access, as well as Assign Report Viewers.

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